Monday, June 23, 2008

Keeping up with reality

I have, not including home improvements and gardening, 2 hobbies. As a statement of how much I love the Gospel of Jesus Christ I would like to say that both hobbies tend to gravitate towards the church, specifically the temples. However, both of my hobbies have disadvantages attached.

I like to be good at the things I like. Specifically I like to be best at the things I like. With my photography the problem is that there are so many people doing it. Therefore the disadvantage of taking Temple pictures would be my own pride, but to assuage my conscience I like to say that it's that so many people do it better than me.

Photography does help me with my other hobby, which is 3d Animation. Of Temples.


Not Reality.
As far as I know, (and I have looked) the only folks doing this kind of temple art better than me are the folks designing the temples. But even this has disadvantages. Mainly, I can't keep up with reality. The Church keeps changing around the temple grounds, so when I go to take some reference photos, well, everything changes.

Take for example the changes recently finished at the Mount Timpanogos Temple. Six months ago when Paige and I got married there, the grounds were still in the same state they were when I started that model a bit over a year and a half ago. (I bounce between models, so I never really finish one). This week the temple finished with some major changes to the grounds, as follows.


Actually, making it look like the real thing is where the challenge and fun come in. As I add the new features it often helps me get the proportions for features I already had in better aligned. Plus as someone who does a lot of wedding photography at Timp I'm really excited about the changes they have made. The patios are on both sides, though there are only new doors on the south side. But on Saturdays, when 6 wedding parties are trying to take pictures at the same time, there is a much better chance of getting a good setting.

Besides, it gives me a chance to show off my 3d skills.