Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Digital Design Final

I'm proud of this one. this took a lot of work, and came together nearly the way I imagined it. This was a free form project, the content had to be generated within our field of study, and then we had to so some form of composition with it.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Text Composition

Had an interesting assignment in my Digital Design Class this week. We were to recreate a portrait of a person using text. we were given several examples of styles to work with, and I must admit I disliked all of them. I finally created my own style and choose a picture of a beautiful bride on her wedding day. The text I used to make the image with consists of three consecutive chapters of an Actual book. It begins "It is a truth universally accepted that a man of a certain age and in possession of a large fortune must be in want of a wife."

I found it highly appropriate.

If you don't know the text, then I'm afraid that there is nothing I can do for you. You will just have to sort this one out on your own. If you can't recognize the subject of the image, well, I'll let you blame that on my work.

Friday, November 27, 2009

A Calender

I'm taking a digital photography and composting class this semester. It's a bit of a pre-req to some other classes I want to take later. For our final assignment, we have to make a photo calender. Here is mine. They get a little fuzzy at the compression level I use for the web, but trust me the originals are awesome.

Friday, November 20, 2009


I made this image for a class assignment to be a re-usable graphic. It started with very careful and deliberate composition of the image, then it turned to placing the image in a larger composition. Here is the end result.

And just because the original composition is hard to see in the final, here is the original work.

The Invasion Fleet Departs

All The 3D Models I have done for this friends as of yet to appear game came in handy for an Image I composed to fulfill requirements for a class assignment.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Panorama Series 9

This last weekend was Fall Break, both for UVU and for Alpine School District. We were able to take a couple of days to go and meet up with Mom and Dad Barlow in Saint George. We were close enough to the temple that I ran on over 3 times to get pictures under various lighting conditions. Here are some of the results.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Panorama Series 8

Karen Carpenter was wrong. Mondays, quite possibly, but rainy days seldom get me down. Rainy days give you some of the most spectacular shots. These are from yesterday.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Panorama Series 7

I started taking these panoramic shots 2 weeks before the current semester started, only because I finally figured out how. Ironically, a week into my current semester, I find out that the first assignment for my photography and compositing class is, you guessed it, panoramics from multiple images.

Here are the ones I did just for that class.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Album Covers

I would like to share a recent school project with you. By which i mean I would like to show off. The point of this particular project was that we had to take one picture, and create 2 album covers for a band, real or fictional. Using just editing and font styles we were to create 2 separate genres.

Before I post the pictures I made, I would first like to tell you about a fun moment Paige and I had. We were driving south on I-15 and I noticed a piece of debris being stirred up and flipping through the turbulence left behind by many a road traveler. As the flotsam passed us by I noticed that it was in fact, a fully inflated balloon animal.

This strange wildlife sighting led to many thoughts in my head, like a Disney-esque long voyage home movie featuring only balloon animals, but eventually it led us to the band name I used here.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Panorama Series 6

I went to Draper Temple last Tuesday night with my friend Jon. We had a good time and took lots of great pictures. Here are the Panoramas from the series.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Panorama Series 5

I needed to pick a power tool up from my older brother in Taylorsville last Friday night. I Instant messaged Paige and asked her if she wanted to go to Salt Lake.  She replied 'For pictures? Sure!' Which is how I ended up getting these shots.

This Last one was interesting. Each individual shot in the image took between 20 and 30 seconds. It took nearly 15 minutes to expose the whole image. Consequently, the sky is more blue to the right of the Temple, and gets progressively darker as it continues right, and wraps back around to the temple itself.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Panorama Series 4

Did I mention that Paige and I went to the Oquirrh Mountain Temple Open house about a month ago? Yeah, we did. These Pictures are a mixture of shots taken since March, but mostly from a group taken last Monday Night.

I would love to have the opportunity to leave you with an image that is not long to be seen. This particular angle is going to bo covered up by a bunch of condos. There are other places to get a similar angle, and I intend to find them, but never in the history of the restoration has there ever been an opportunity like this before. Only this year, in all of history.