The first model he asked me to make was a gunship. the way he described it over the phone, it sounded like he wanted a submarine shaped spaceship with a gun attached. The more I thought about it, I decided what he really needed was a big gun with a spaceship attached. I know it sounds the same, but the distinction is kinda important.
This is what I sent him. He dropped his idea in favor of my design. Next up was deciding upon a color scheme. I had this idea that soldiers of any kind like traditions. To that end I decided that the fleet should look like it came right off the Pacific Ocean in World War Two. So, three color schemes, two variations of Battleship gray;
and the blue color scheme of the battleship on which the VJ Day treaty was signed.
The Dark gray was decided upon and work commenced on detailing. This is the first ship I have finished, and I post it here with Permission. This is the Gun Ship, kind of a space floating sniper rifle. The fleet using this ship are not the good guys.