Saturday, August 6, 2011

Evolving Ideas

I used to draw, all the time. I had ADD enough in High School that, traditionally, this was what I did instead of say, homework. It is interesting to me to see how some of my ideas evolved over time, as did my abilities.

Going way back to about 1993, I had an idea floating about for a car.  Well, Many I suppose. the only think that stayed the same is the air scoops on the sides. This initial idea is fun, in that I clearly have computer screens and DVD players everywhere, and, what is that on the center console? Yep, a floppy drive. Apparently this car had DVD and game systems all built in, as well as some serious navigation aids. Also note that the headlights are hidden behind a plexiglass shield that keeps the aerodynamics of the car. But who ever heard of such things in an automobile? Am I right?

Now watch, as the idea slowly evolves from then through about 1995.



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