Friday, March 18, 2011

a Little Photoshop Project

Until today, I have done nothing exciting enough to show off this semester.  Most of my classes have been fairly easy (College Algebra the noted exception.).  Take the required Photoshop course I am taking right now.  Please.

One of this weeks assignments was to create an advertisement for "the local hiking club you belong to" that encourages people to throw away trash (PREACHY!)  Because all my assignments this semester have back story.  Seriously.  Photoshop, excel, Access, Word... They all start with a paragraph that begins with some variation of "You work for a company...".  Apparently we are only capable of learning applied principles.  Something that STILL does not apply to math classes.

I digress.  This assignment had to feature "a landscape, a sign, one large inanimate object (To be partially buried) and two or more smaller objects.  Plus text that advertises the above mentioned club.  Well if you are like me, burying a large inanimate object leads to only one conclusion.
Here is (Are) my landscape source(s): 

Here is my "sign":

My two "smaller" objects:

And Finally, my "Large inanimate object":

**Disclaimer: I would like to note, that as a digital media student, I have a legal right to use any source for any assignment, as long as the assignment is not for profit**

Here is the final result: (Click for Larger)

Here it is without the extra gunk:

In Loving Memory of Charlton Heston, who said I could have his guns now that he has passed on.

(come on people, If I have to explain these jokes they stop being funny.)


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