Friday, November 9, 2012

Something New

Thumbnail for the Temple Info Graphic 

I thought I would share with you one of the school assignments that has kept me so busy this month.

2012 Temple Info Graphic

There are 2 versions of the graphic. One with notes from me on it, and one without. Find them now at

Also, since this is for my web traffic class, once you are over there, share it on facebook, or pintrest or twitter or whatever.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Huntsman Hotel

This model is loosely based on the Huntsman Hotel at This is The Place Heritage Park in Salt Lake. It was also created for a UVU Project.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

A Commision

I know someone who may occasionally want me to make some 3d model for him. He commissioned me to provide him with a printing press for a printing animation. Check out the end results.

Hooper And Eldridge

Originally created for a UVU project that failed to launch, this model is a semifaithful reproduction of the Hooper and Eldridge Bank at "This is the Place" Heritage Park in Salt Lake City.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Logo Ideas

A study of potential logos for my Brother-in-law's dermatology practice. None of them were ever used, but It was nice to think things through.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Blender Cycles Test

If you can figure out how to do it, Blender's Cycles produces some unbelievable results.

Science Demo

Paige needed a visual of the layers that make up the earth, made up of transparencies. Something that could be turned into an interactive hands on demo consisting of a set of cutouts or transparencies. Here is what I came up with for her.

Atmosphere and Hydrosphere
Outer Core
Inner Core
The Full Image

Caustics Test

Renderers need special instructions to create the fancy light patterns you see behind the and around the bottles. This image contains 2 kinds of caustics. First are the Reflected Caustics, those are the ones you see in front of the bottles. They are bounced off the object.  The second type are Refracted Caustics. Those are the ones behind. They are created when light passes through a transparent object. the sharp edges int the pattern are possible because of the "sharp" edges in the model.

Hand Painting Textures

This was an exercise in hand painting textures, then creating Normal and Displace textures from the color map.

The color map was created using some elephant and crocodile skin images. The model was pulled into Photoshop and painting directly onto the color layer.  Additional fine tuning was done on the flat color layer image.

The gray areas are from the Elephant Skin, and the green are from the Crocodile skin.

The Diffuse, Displace and Normal layers were created using a trial version of CrazyBump, then pulling those images into Photoshop and cleaning up the problem areas or removing the texture from the spots where they were not wanted. This took a while as crazy pump treated all the boundaries between color sections as if they were changes in height. The color layer had to be run through CrazyBump as a grayscale image, then much work had to be done to "equalize" the sections into a topographical map of sorts. color map

 Diffuse Layer - this tells the render engine where to increase or decrease shadows. Think of it as adding dirt.

 Displacement Layer - This tells the renderer to physically distort the model. This adds large bumps to the model. It is easier to add features this way rather than modeling them, but they also render faster this way as well.

 Normals Layer - This layer warps the shadow. It tells the renderer to bend the light, giving the illusion of creases and fine detail. This does not physically distort the mesh, but is also a great way to add fine detail without making the image render slower.

Here is the finished project without the displacement map:

And here it is with the displacement:

Monday, May 21, 2012

Atlanta Georgia Temple

The Atlanta Temple Model finished a major remodel just last year. Here is a model representing its current look.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Sapporo Japan Temple

I've put a lot of time and work into this one. I have not put any work into it lately though, as it has been rendering for the last 10 days. But now after about a month and a half of total work it is finished. If I am even 1/10th right, this will be both fantastic architecture, and phenomenal landscaping.

Monday, March 26, 2012

A Kind of Accolade

Have you ever visited the site

It is extremely popular, and he posts up to date information on temples, both current and under construction.  Last Friday this news article appeared on his news section:

That is my Ogden Temple model video the webmaster e is promoting. He has linked to my best videos on his site. He has created pages just to display my videos for my Fort Lauderdale, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Paris, Gilbert and  Payson temple Models as well as the one he reported on, Ogden.

I was taken by surprise on this, suddenly out of nowhere I started getting comments on my videos. That morning, only the Payson video was well viewed, with nearly 300 views since last October when it was posted. The Ogden video had 50 views.  The following afternoon the Ogden video had 1160 (currently over 1700) views, and all except Ft Lauderdale have almost or over 300 views.

People have started to click the like button on my videos, going from one like for Payson to 22 for all the videos collectively.  AND I am getting views from around the world. Most of the views are from the US, but I also have views from Canada, Spain, United Kingdom, Brazil, Mexico, France, Colombia, Germany, Hungary, Australia, Italy, Chile, Argentina and New Zealand, just to name the countries that have had 5 - 100 visitors (US is well over 2,000 visitors.) All in all I have had views from over 44 countries, including such far flung places as Estonia and Trinidad and Tobago.

It really encourages me to keep doing what I am doing. I received an email from someone in Versailles France this morning thanking me for the Paris model.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Ogden Temple Remodel, Revised

The Revised render for The Ogden Utah Temple
The Original Render

The LDS Church recently revised the render for the Ogden Temple. I updated my model as well. Still off on a couple of Details, am I, but I like the way it looks.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fort Lauderdale Florida

Test Drove Blender's new Render Engine, Cycles. This is some serious change to their software. Top Notch, does Reflections, Ambient Occlusion, Depth of Field, all in near real time. Wonderful software.