Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Back in the habit.

Firstly, in regards to our last post, No, you can't have the original. My wife is getting it. In relation to that, Cherry would be fine Jake, thanks for the suggestion. (I kinda thought maple would be nice, but....) Also, yes I knew about that talent, I already have several framed pieces around the house, no I will not be changing my major. Now on to the main topic.

I had almost forgotten how much I loved photography. I think all I needed was a challenge. THERE is an interesting statement. Now you will wonder 'did he get back into photography because he found a challenging aspect, or because he felt threatened?'

I have been rather on the depressed side lately (Algebra may have been involved). But right at that crucial moment when you find yourself lost and confused, I felt the overpowering urge to take pictures. I have not stopped since last Friday. Additionally, I have found great enjoyment in photo manipulation. Specifically in Photo compositing. I have been taking several images in a row, and then stitching them together in Photoshop. Here are some samples from last Friday.

Making these vertical panoramics was rather fun,

But somehow they just lack the emotional impact of a traditional panorama.

Besides that, the traditional panoramas have the ability to be manipulated even further with some funa nd entertaining results.


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