Thursday, August 13, 2009


We were given 2 objects to draw, with the instructions that we could use all or part of these 2 objects in any arrangement. But we had to use the whole space provided, and could not fill it with just 1 part of one object. The example our instructor showed us was an abstract drawing featuring parts of the objects inserted in a not quite random way. I've never been a fan of abstract, so I decided right away that mine had to be realistic. Well, MORE realistic.

The two objects we were given were the guitar and violin seen here.

The moment he started describing what had come into his head when his college instructor had explained it to him, a distinct image began to form in my mind. His was abstract, mine was not. I had this very distinct thought, that sometimes we are thrust into the spotlight before we are ready. (hence the broken violin bow.) So here you have it, my vision, for one of the first times ever, pulled straight from my head and onto paper in much the same format I imagined it.
Monday, upon asking my teacher if he had any final thoughts on it, he stepped behind me to get a good look and muttered (wow) under his breath. And he knew what was coming.


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