Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Shadow Massing

Ever hear of Shadow Massing? I had not before I had done it. In shadow massing, you look at a still life scene, then you try to break down the shadows into percentages of black. 0% for example, would be where you have no shadow. 100% would be where you see no detail because it is to dark. Then you divide the shadows into three zones. 0-25% you leave completely white. 25-50% you draw as a 50% gray. All that is leftover you do as 100% black. The end result is rather abstract. Were were given a shadow massing assignment in which we were to include 4 items of our choice.

During the peer review session the teacher called mine incredible. The only fault he found with it was he did not feel my half gray was actually 50%, for which he docked me one point.

The abstract effect is kind of lost in this format, as the camera picked up every bend in the paper. I'll try to get a more accurate shot later.


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