Friday, November 27, 2009

A Calender

I'm taking a digital photography and composting class this semester. It's a bit of a pre-req to some other classes I want to take later. For our final assignment, we have to make a photo calender. Here is mine. They get a little fuzzy at the compression level I use for the web, but trust me the originals are awesome.

Friday, November 20, 2009


I made this image for a class assignment to be a re-usable graphic. It started with very careful and deliberate composition of the image, then it turned to placing the image in a larger composition. Here is the end result.

And just because the original composition is hard to see in the final, here is the original work.

The Invasion Fleet Departs

All The 3D Models I have done for this friends as of yet to appear game came in handy for an Image I composed to fulfill requirements for a class assignment.